Experience Egypt – Splendor of Ancient Egypt

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Experience Egypt – Splendor of Ancient Egypt

Duration:  10 Days / 09 Nights
Type: Small Group/Private
Tour Operates: Every Day

The Golden Accommodation: Every hotel and every cruise are the same or comparable.

Single Traveler 3565$ Per Person for 2-4 People
2195$ Per Person for 5-7 People
2135$ Each Person for 8–10 People
2095$ Per Person


Individual Traveler 3,695$ Per Person for 2-4 People
2265$ Each Person for 5-7 People
2195$ Per Person for 8–10 People
2135$ each person

Diamond Lodging: Every hotel and every cruise are the same or comparable.

Individual Traveler 4,495$ Per Person for 2-4 People
2635$ Each Person for 5-7 People
2645$ Each Person for 8–10 People
2535$ per person


Individual Traveler 4,795$ Per Person for 2-4 People
2895$ Each Person for 5-7 People
2830$ Each Person for 8–10 People
2705$  each person


Discover Egypt Egypt’s archaeological treasures, which range from the magnificent architectural achievements of Cairo to the well-known sites of Luxor and Aswan, have long drawn renowned archaeologists, tourists, and treasure seekers.

Egypt’s rich history shapes a cultural trip there; you will learn about the Pharaohs and marvel at the Great Pyramids of Giza and the less visited but fascinating Sakkara Pyramids. After that, you can cruise along the Nile in one of our magnificent five-star cruise ships, explore the less visited Upper Egyptian temples by going to Danderah and Abydos, and end up at Abu Simbel.

An experienced Egyptologist will be with you; they hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the ancient world. This is among the top cultural excursions in Egypt Get in touch with us right now for a quick and free quote. Best Deal Promised. While on your trip to Egypt Settle on Egypt’s greatest historical trip today and save!


  • Savor opulent lodging and get a thorough understanding of Egypt away from the beaten road.
  • See the Sphinx and Pyramids
  • See the Sakkara Tombs and Pyramids
  • Explore the Old Cairo Churches & Mosques
  • Go to the Museum of Egypt
  • See the Luxor Museum, the Abydos Temple of Osiris, and the Dendarah Temple of Hathor.
  • Go to the Museum of Mummification
  • Go to the Valley of the Kings.
  • Investigate the Luxor and Karnak Temples
  • See the Historic Temples Along the Nile
  • See Aswan's Philae Temple.
  • See the temples in Abu Simbel.
  • obtainable for lone travelers
  • Adaptable to alter and begin at any moment


When you arrive at Cairo International Airport, one of our representatives will be waiting for you with a sign bearing your name. He will assist you with completing the necessary paperwork and obtaining your visa, and he will then drive you in a private vehicle to your hotel. Explore Egypt's historical treasures on this grand tour, which starts in Cairo. Spend the night in Cairo.

Begin your magnificent day today by touring the Giza Plateau, home of the magnificent Giza Pyramids. Chephren and Cheops Mycerinus Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, it is the only one still standing, having been constructed during the Fourth Dynasty (around 2690 BC). Enjoy the chance to explore one of these iconic buildings' interiors and be amazed by the enormous stones that were used to build them (extra ticket). After that, take in the Great Sphinx's backdrop of the pyramids, a scene that has long inspired explorers. After that, eat lunch at a nearby restaurant. Explore Sakkara, which is just 27 kilometers southwest of Cairo. See Sakkara's Step Pyramid (Built for King Zoser), it is regarded as a pivotal point in the development of the pyramids, which began with the basic mastaba and progressed to take on the iconic Pyramidal shape. This pyramid is thought to be the first stone structure ever constructed by the brilliant Vizir Imhotep. Following that See the enormous Alabaster Sphinx and the enormous statue of Ramses II in Memphis City, the former Egyptian capital. Discover the magnificent statue of King Ramses II, the largest monument ever created for a monarch, and the Alabaster Statue of Queen Hatshepsut before returning to your accommodation. This city dates back to 3100 B.C. Overnight

Visit the most fascinating Egyptian Museum, which showcases relics from the Pharaonic era, on a fresh day of your trip of Egypt. The museum features an exceptional collection of artwork spanning five millennia, which is regarded as the world's most valuable collection of Egyptian art. Presently on display are more than 120,000 magnificent objects, including gold and jewels that had been hidden inside his tomb for more than 3,500 years until being uncovered during the 1920s excavation of the tomb. Following your tour of the museum, you have lunch and then go to the Coptic Cairo, also known as Old Cairo in Egyptian, which is located inside the walls of the Roman city of Babylon and is where the Copts erected their churches as a shield. Egypt was a Christian country for three centuries, from the conversion of Emperor Constantine until the coming of Islam. The Coptic church is one of the oldest communions and was the actual pioneer of severe monasticism in the isolated desert. Tens of thousands of Copts remain in Egypt, with a large population residing in Old Cairo. El Muallaqa, also known as the Hanging Church, is their most well-known structure. It was constructed over one of the entrances to the ancient citadel, with its nave dangling above the walkway. The Saints Sergius church, which houses the Crypt where the Holy Family sought refuge during their flight to Egypt, and the Ben Ezra synagogue are located in Old Cairo as well. (Awaiting restoration) A small number of Jewish families, dispersed around Cairo, formerly called this place home. Since at least the fourth century BC, there has been a religious structure on this location—first a church, then a synagogue—and the current synagogue is home to a Torah covered in gazelle skin that is believed to have been discovered in the fifth century BC. This entire region is a well-known pilgrimage site worldwide. Visit the Old Bazaar in Cairo to round off your day. Khan el-Khalili is a significant souk located in the old city of Islamic Cairo. After seeing the Bazaar neighborhood, which is a popular tourist destination in Cairo for both foreigners and Egyptians, return to your Cairo hotel.

A representative from Look at Egypt Tours will accompany you to the airport so you can take your one-hour flight to Luxor after breakfast at your Cairo hotel and in accordance with your flight schedule. When you arrive, your knowledgeable Egyptologist guide will be there to assist you as you begin your exploration of the wonders and treasures of ancient Thebes. Luxor is the largest outdoor museum in the world. Begin your tour by seeing the magnificent complex of Karnak. One of the most ambitious, daring, and enormously large buildings in all of Ancient Egypt is the enormous Temple of Karnak. During their rule, every pharaoh (ancient king) worth their salt contributed to and modified the structures here, putting their imprint on the kingdom's most esteemed place of worship. Because Karnak was the home of the gods, everyone was expected to celebrate its splendors. After seeing the walls of the temple, the obelisks, the holy lake, etc., proceed to the Luxor Temple. Amenhotep III (1390-52 BC) constructed the temple; Tutankhamun (1336-27 BC) and Horemheb (1323-1295 BC) finished it, and Rameses II (1279–13 BC) added to it. A granite shrine honoring Alexander the Great (332–305 BC) may be seen in the back of the temple, which was originally built for the major god of the empire at the time, Amun. After that have some rest and enjoy your lunch at a traditional restaurant then check in your hotel, afternoon visit the museum of mummification that presents the ancient Egyptian art of mummification and exhibits mummies and associated items. This article will teach you about the specific mummification methods used to preserve a variety of animal species, including fish, crocodiles, and cats. The museum's collection of mummified animals is the only one of its kind. The Luxor museum showcases beautiful artifacts that capture the opulence of Thebes during the New Kingdom. The items on exhibit highlight the military might and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians during "the Golden Age of the Empire," which brought a wealth of historical information to your hotel. spending the night in Luxor.

Following breakfast, you will check out of your hotel. Our staff will remove your luggage, and you and your private guide will go to Dendera, which is about 60 kilometers from Luxor.
You must go to the Hathor Temple's underground crypt in the Dendera Temple Complex in Qena, Egypt, if you've heard of the renowned relief known as the Dendera Light Bulb and want to view it up close. The exquisitely detailed, two millennia-old temple is a must-see if you're searching for an encounter that will leave you speechless.
One of the best preserved temples in all of Egypt is the Temple of Hathor. The compound has three temples to see: the birthing temple in front, the Isis temple behind the main temple, and the main Hathor temple.
The Egyptian sky goddess Hathor is associated with dance, music, fertility, and sexual love. She is sometimes referred to as the goddess of childbirth and parenthood. She is frequently portrayed as Horus' opposite. Hathor really means "House of Horus" in translation. Take in the distinctive sceneries and inscriptions, the well-known Zodiac and star signs on the temple ceiling, and the most well-known relief of Cleopatra and her son Caesarion—the sole one for the renowned Queen Cleopatra VII. Next, proceed to Abydos, where you will eat lunch at a local restaurant and explore the historic city of Abydos.
Abydos was an important Egyptian pilgrimage place in the worship of the cult of Osiris. a journey that every Egyptian aspired to do at least once in their lifetime. Many ancient Egyptians want to be buried in Abydos so that they may be close to their god. The temple of Sety I and Ramses II, which is the symbol of Osiris, is an old city with a rich past. This makes a trip to Abydos worthwhile from a historical standpoint.
In addition to being a remarkable example of the royal interest in Abydos sparked by Osiris's stay there, the temple of Seti I (c. 1290–1279 BC) also possesses an uncommon human interest. While Seti, like previous pharaohs, had many temples constructed all around Egypt, His deepest love was, according to documents that have survived, for his Abydos temple. It was situated "in the province he loved, the holy land of Wennefir (Osiris), his heart's desire ever since he had been on Earth."
There is more to the Seti I Temple than meets the eye. Considered the most significant temple in all of ancient Egypt, it is the Temple of Healing. It was created by Pharaoh Sety for a specific purpose. He was aware that the spirits' pain may be alleviated by Abydos' powers. As a result, one may think of the Seti Temple as a healing temple. Its purpose is to restore equilibrium to the guests' hearts. Numerous guests have previously encountered this while at the Temple of Sety I. The three-story, limestone-built Temple of Seti I in Abydos is unlike any other Egyptian temple in several ways. The inner temple here has no less than seven sanctuaries dedicated to Osiris, Isis, Horus, Ptah, Re-Harakhte, Amun, and the deified Pharaoh Seti I. Take pleasure in capturing a beautiful picture before returning to Luxor to start your Nile cruise. Dinner on the ship. All night.

Following breakfast on board, your journey to the west bank of Luxor will begin with a visit to the Valley of the Kings (KV). Travelers' fascination with the Valley of the Kings dates back to Howard Carter's excavation of King Tutankhamun's tomb, which unearthed the young king's riches. The most important and well-liked site on Luxor's West Bank today is the intricately painted tombs of the pharaohs of Thebes, which provide tourists a look into the burial customs and death rituals of Ancient Egypt. There, you will get the chance to see three of the more than 64 tombs located in the Valley of the Kings that are still awaiting More discoveries will be made after which the second trip of the West Bank will visit the Queen Hatshepsut temple, which is situated next to the Mortuary at the west bank of the Nile behind enormous cliffs. Temple The sun deity Amon-Ra is the object of Hatshepsut's devotion, also known as Deir el Bahri. The temple was created by Senemut, an architect, and is distinctive in that it has classical architectural features. Take note of the courts, pylons, hypostyle hall, and the long, colonnaded terrace, parts of which reach heights of 97 feet. Inside you'll see the sun court, chapel, and sanctuary. One of the uncommon reliefs in the Egyptian temples tells the story of Queen Hatshepsut's heavenly birth and trading voyages to the Land of Punt, which is a reference to modern-day Somalia.
Proceed to the renowned enormous sculptures known as the Colossi of Memnon after taking a nap at the Alabaster workshop to view the work of the descendants of the old artisans and purchase some mementos. Once standing watch at the entrance of the king's temple, of which only ruins remain, they depict Amenophis III seated on a cube-shaped throne and are carved out of strong yellowish-brown sandstone mined in the hills near Edfu. They were used as sculptures of Memnon, son of Eos and Tithonus, who was slain by Achilles in the Trojan War, during the Roman Imperial era. After stopping for a picture, you return to your Nile cruise for lunch and set sail in the direction of Edfu. Have a wonderful time.
Your supper will be served on board on the sundeck.

When your Nile cruise reaches the city of Edfu, a horse-drawn carriage will be ready for you to explore either the majestic Temple of Horus or the Temple of Edfu. Because Edfu's temple was established in the second century BC, it is among the best-preserved temples in Egypt and one of the most magnificent building marvels of the Ptolemy Dynasty. Huge hieroglyphics and brilliant friezes that mimic the patriotic decorations of previous pharaohs decorate the towering sandstone walls here. You truly get a sense of the place by exploring its enormous rooms, passing beneath enormous portals, and meandering through its ant-like passageways that appear to have been designed for giants.
for the omnipotent might of Egypt's kings. Savor your stay, then return to your Nile cruise and proceed to sail in the direction of Kom Ombo. Till you get in Kom Ombo, enjoy your trip, have lunch, and have tea on the sundeck. One of Egypt's most recognizable vistas is the Great Temple of Kom Ombo's towering columns, which rise sharply above the bank of the Nile as you approach from the river. Kom Ombo may be a quiet agricultural backwater with sugar cane fields all around it now, but its prominent location along the Nile and its unusual temple to the gods Sobek and Haroeris serve as a reminder of the region's significance in ancient Egypt. Wander about the colonnades of the temple, staring up at scenes depicting pharaonic propaganda,and you'll be able to really experience the atmosphere of this magnificent past. Head to the museum showcasing the mummies of crocodiles before returning to your cruise ship for dinner.

Following your morning meal on your Nile cruise, Together with your guide and your own car, go to the Abu Simbel temples for three hours, and be ready to be astounded by the majesty of these two temples. Unquestionably, these two temples are among the most stunning structures in the world, with the Pyramids of Giza ranking first among Egypt's most popular tourist destinations. In the 1960s, the temples' relocation was a momentous occasion. When the High Dam was built, the temples were in danger of being submerged in Lake Nasser. With UNESCO's assistance, the Egyptian government made a global plea to preserve these enormous relics. They were effectively disassembled and moved to the original location where they had been erected, which was 60 meters above the cliff. The smaller temple honors Ramses II's favored wife, Queen Nefertari, while the larger, more well-known temple honors Ramses II. In the thirteenth century BC, Ramses II constructed both of them. Four enormous, sitting images of Ramses are depicted on the massive front of the Ramses II temple. The sculptures are each 67 feet high, and the facade is 119 feet broad by 100 feet high. The front entrance opens onto a 185-foot-long man-made rock cave that connects to a number of hallways and rooms inside the temple. The Abu-Simbel Temple's most notable aspect is the way its structure is angled.
that the sculptures of the four gods sitting at the end of the inner temple cave are illuminated twice a year by the morning sun's rays that stream through the cave. Following this trip back to Aswan, eat lunch at your cruise ship and then proceed to another famous site, the Temple of Philae, which honors the goddess Isis, also referred to as the Mother Goddess. The temple is situated in a lovely environment and was moved by UNESCO to a new location when the construction of the Aswan Dam threatened the original location. After seeing the temple, which features a number of shrines and sanctuaries, return to your cruise ship, have supper, and spend the night there.

Check out and return to Cairo by plane after breakfast on your cruise.You will be taken to your hotel upon arrival in Cairo so you may unwind there.

In accordance with your flight time, our representative will accompany you to the airport for your final departure after breakfast.

Includes / Excludes


  • Domestic flights from Luxor, Aswan, Cairo back to Cairo
  • Four nights in a five-star Cairo B&B hotel
  • 1-A stay at the Luxor B&B
  • 4- A five-star evening elegance The following fees are included in the package: Nile Cruise Qualified Egyptologist; Sightseeing Entry Fees; Private Vehicle Transportation; Meals as specified in the itinerary; and relevant taxes.


  • Tipping on international flights
  • extras not specified.

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Experience Egypt – Splendor of Ancient Egypt
From $ 2855
/ Per person


Our habibicometoegypt -selling Egypt excursions allow you to promote your trip to the era of the pharaohs. Whether you are seeing the energetic city of Cairo, taking a boat ride on the breathtaking Nile River.

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